The workshop aims at advanced doctoral students in Oceanography, Biology, Environmental Science, Physics, Ecology or related topics, who have completed most of their course requirements, as well as early career scientists who have recently completed their doctoral degree. Prospective students must submit an abbreviated CV (maximum 4 pages) and a short statement (maximum one page) explaining why they are interested in participating in the workshop and how they think it will benefit their research.
The Academic Committee will make the final selection based on the CV and the researchers interests.
The workshop fee is 450€ (euro) per person which includes all educational and follow-up activities as well as coffee breaks. Please note that other meals and lodging are not included in the registration fee.
15% discount for ICM, and 10% discount for SIBECOL members.
Please indicate if you qualify for any of the discounts in the registration form.
SCOR will grant two fellowships for students from developing countries to participate in the RMSC2022, which cover the registration fee as well as additional traveling costs. If you are applying for this fellowship, please register and then send a reference letter to Feel free to contact us if you have questions.
A maximum of 25 participants will be accepted. Prospective participants should request admission to the Colloquia, through its web page. Applications will be accepted until the 15th of July (the final resolution will be notified by the 25th of July 2022).
Accepted participants are expected to pay the admission fee no later than the 26th of August, 2022. In case of no payment, students from the waiting list will be considered.
The final list of participating students will be published by the 1st of September 2022.
If you have any question, contact us: